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+7 707 755 58 59
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[{"lid":"1713773364300","ls":"10","loff":"","li_type":"nm","li_title":"your name","li_ph":"mail@example.com","li_req":"y","li_nm":"Name"},{"lid":"1713773364301","ls":"20","loff":"","li_type":"ph","li_title":"Your contact number","li_ph":"+7 777 777 77 77","li_req":"y","li_nm":"Phone"},{"lid":"1713773721409","ls":"30","loff":"","li_type":"cb","li_req":"y","li_label":"I agree to the processing of personal data","li_nm":"Checkbox"},{"lid":"1713774040141","ls":"40","loff":"","li_type":"cb","li_req":"y","li_label":"I agree with the personal data processing policy","li_nm":"Checkbox_2"}]
Facilities for refueling drivers
Save time
No need to queue at the cash register
The driver and the gas station see the balance
The network outside is more stable, which means there are fewer failures, as happens with cards
Prepaid fuel balance
(Receiving discounts from service partners: Mastercard, Beeline, Halyk Bank, for wholesale purchases)
Convenience of service
Everything is very simple and fast, just two three
You can pay through your banking app
In the modern trend
(the client receives services through his smartphone)
Convenience of service
Transaction security is guaranteed by Halyk Bank service partner
The safety and security of clients’ card data is ensured by the partner of the MasterCard service (Masterpass)
Gas station facilities
Facilities for companies
[{"lid":"1718535206326","ls":"10","loff":"","li_type":"ph","li_title":"Your contact number","li_ph":"+7 701 777 77 77","li_nm":"Phone"},{"lid":"1718535206327","ls":"20","loff":"","li_type":"nm","li_name":"Name","li_title":"How can I call you","li_ph":"Your name","li_nm":"Name"}]
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We hope for mutual trust and fruitful partnership
+7 707 755 58 59
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Solution for gas stations
Solution for companies
Convenience for drivers
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+ 7 776 506 50 05
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Refuel without leaving your car with SmartGas
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